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Quote from Lorelai in Welcome to the Doll House

Lorelai: So, I go to the town meeting. It's already started. And I come in the back door with the squeaky track, so everybody knows Lorelai's in the house.
Michel: It's very exciting.
Lorelai: Taylor's up there yammering about septic tanks, and Patty made her raisin cake, and everything's just going along. And suddenly, Taylor says, "It's time to break." And I stand up on the bench, totally Norma Rae, and I write "strike" on my town-meeting flier. And I hold it up, all defiant.
Sookie: Wow.
Lorelai: Of course, the "Norma Rae" reference was only in my head, and everyone was very confused.
Michel: Yes, it happens a lot with you.
Lorelai: So I march to the front, and I look this town in the eye. I said, "We, your Dragonfly Inn, are not on the map. We have been tossed off by Taylor 'jungle-gym monitor' Doose. It is not right. And he must be stopped. " And since no one heard my conversation with Luke, I lost them again for a minute, but I got them back real quickly.
Michel: You really need to work on that.
Sookie: Let her talk!

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