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Quote from Rory in New and Improved Lorelai

Logan: I give you one month.
Rory: To do what?
Logan: Before you're back at school. One month.
Rory: You are wrong.
Logan: Nope.
Rory: Oh, I cannot believe how little faith you have in me. I mean, what kind of match would I be for you if I just went running right back to a life of respectability without even attempting to join the French Foreign Legion?
Logan: You love school.
Rory: Not anymore.
Logan: No, you love school. I saw it. That doesn't just go away.
Rory: Well, I have reformed, all right? From now on, no more scheduling, no more planning. I am just going to spend my days making ice cream beer floats and just taking life as it comes. You'll see. New me.
Logan: If you say so.
Rory: I do say so.

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