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Quote from Lorelai in How Many Kropogs to Cape Cod?

Lorelai: Yeah, her genius plan is to come home, go to bed early, set the clock for two, get up and go rock.
Luke: Solid plan.
Lorelai: Yes, except that when the clock goes off at two, she will be dead asleep and won't hear it. I, however, will. I will then proceed to get up, drag myself downstairs, recreating a classic Zucker Brothers moment and then I'll shake her awake. She'll get up, throw on some jeans, a t-shirt, and no make-up and look like a Neutrogena ad, whereas once she leaves, I'll pass out on the couch, too exhausted to make it all the way upstairs, and in the morning I will have bags under my eyes that should have Tumi stamped on them. I love being a mom.

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