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Quote from Emily in Forgiveness and Stuff

Lorelai: You're telling me not to come to the Christmas party?
Emily: You're obviously too busy.
Lorelai: I had the German measles in fifth grade. I still had to show up to the Christmas party.
Emily: Lorelai, let's be honest here. I'm not too happy with you right now, and I assume you're not happy with me.
Lorelai: My polka-dot dress matched my face, and still I had to sit through 12 courses.
Emily: I am tired of forcing you to do all those terrible things that infringe upon your life. And I do not have the energy to pretend that the way you treated me was in any way acceptable.
Lorelai: So you're uninviting me to Christmas dinner?
Emily: Yes, I am.
Lorelai: Fine.
Emily: Fine.

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