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Quote from Rory in Rory's Dance

Lorelai: Do you have any idea what it's like to wake up with my mother here and find out that you never came home?
Rory: So all this is about Grandma being here?
Lorelai: No, it's about the feeling of complete terror when your kid isn't in her bed in the morning.
Rory: I'm sorry.
Lorelai: And then it's about a whole different kind of terror when I find out that you spent the night with some guy!
Rory: I didn't "spend the night" with him. We fell asleep.
Lorelai: You are going on the pill.
Rory: What?
Lorelai: You are not getting pregnant!
Rory: I'm not sleeping with Dean! What happened to all that stuff you said to Grandma? What happened to trusting me? Where did all that go?
Lorelai: Well, I think it's back on Patty's yoga mats.
Rory: This is crap! You know I didn't do anything. You know this was an accident. You're just mad because I screwed up and I did it in front of Grandma, and she nailed you for it. Well, I'm sorry that I screwed up, and I'm sorry that you got yelled at but I didn't do anything, and you know it!

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