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Quote from Emily in Rory's Dance

Emily: Lorelai Gilmore, I've watched you do a lot of stupid things in your life and I have held my tongue.
Lorelai: [scoffs] You've what?
Emily: But I will not stand by and let you allow that girl to ruin her life.
Lorelai: Mom, back off.
Emily: She spent the night out with that boy the one you let her run off to that dance with.
Lorelai: Mom, so help me God, I will not get into this with you.
Emily: She's doing the same thing you did.
Lorelai: No, she's not.
Emily: She'll get pregnant.
Lorelai: No, she's not.
Emily: She's gonna ruin everything, just like you did.
Lorelai: No, she's not! No, she's not! No, she's not! Rory is a good kid, Mom! She's not me!

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