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Quote from Paris in A Deep-Fried Korean Thanksgiving

Paris: Harvard is going to be expecting Thanksgiving shelter work. They'll know I called too late and it will totally impugn my organizational skills. By the way, you know I ultimately do all these things for the good of mankind, right?
Rory: Oh, yeah.
Paris: Sometimes I don't think I come off that way.
Rory: No.
Paris: [answers phone] Hello? Yes, thanks for returning my call... Nothing? But wait, wait, wait... just stick me at any old pot. I'm small, you won't even know I'm there, I'll even bring my own ladle... Oh, now, come on, work with me here. I've got a slotted spoon... What about coffee or condiments? You got condiments covered? I'm sorry, can I speak to your supervisor? My attitude? What about your attitude? I'm trying to help people. It's Thanksgiving...

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