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Quote from Lorelai in A-Tisket, A-Tasket

Lorelai: I don't want to lock you up and throw away the key.
Rory: Well, good.
Lorelai: Your judgment means something, especially to me. I can't be your eyes and your ears and your brain.
Rory: I'm trying really hard to connect the dots here.
Lorelai: I got spooked. I know it violates the fabulous "cool-mom" clause we're supposed to have going. But I did, and I'm sorry.
Rory: It's okay.
Lorelai: Now, I am concerned about Jess.
Rory: Well, you shouldn't be.
Lorelai: But I am. However, you are a smart girl. You're a good judge of character and the fact that he seems to like you gives him a couple of brownie points. You're not a little kid. I don't actually think you ever were a little kid.
Rory: I was, for about a month.
Lorelai: If you think he's a decent guy, I have to respect your judgment.
Rory: Thank you.

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