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Quote from Lorelai in Forgiveness and Stuff

Lorelai: Are you okay?
Luke: Yeah, I'm just not real big on hospitals. You know, the smell, people being wheeled by with tubes sticking out of them. You know, drainage fluids, gaping holes.
Lorelai: Listen, why don't you go home?
Luke: You want me to go?
Lorelai: You don't look so good.
Luke: Thanks.
Lorelai: That's not what I meant. You always look good.
Lorelai: Yeah?
Luke: I meant you always look healthy.
Lorelai: Okay. But you don't look so healthy now. You look-
Luke: Unhealthy.
Lorelai: Yes. Okay. What? So I said you look good. We're not in fifth grade. "You look good." Big deal. Stop staring at me.
Luke: [sees a patient] Oh, geez.
Lorelai: See? That's what you get for being cocky.

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