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Quote from Babette in Kiss and Tell

Babette: Hey, sugar. We were just getting to know your young man here.
Lorelai: Yeah, I see that. Dean, would you mind going inside and helping Rory out? There's a struggle with a jar lid that I think she's about to lose.
Dean: Sure, yeah.
Babette: It was nice talking to you, Dean.
Dean: Yeah, you, too.
Morey: Stay cool, kid.
Dean: Uh... I will.
Babette: [to Lorelai] Oh, is he cute!
Lorelai: Yeah.
Babette: And that Chuck Heston chin of his! Is he Rory's boyfriend?
Lorelai: No, they're just friends.
Babette: Well, that's not what I heard. Kissing at the market gives a whole new meaning to Tasting Day.
Lorelai: Okay. I got to get back inside and shower, so I'll talk to you guys later.
Babette: Have a good evening. And don't forget to invite us to the wedding. Oh, won't their kids be gorgeous!

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