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Quote from Rory in Unto the Breach

Rory: Logan... I'm sorry... I can't. I love you. You know how much I love you. I love the idea of being married to you... but... there are just a lot of things right now in my life that are undecided. And that used to scare me, but now I-I kind of like the idea that... it's just all kind of wide open. And if I married you, it just wouldn't be.
Logan: So, what? I go to San Francisco, you stay on the east, and we see each other occasionally?
Rory: Well, we can try long distance. We've done it before.
Logan: You really think that's gonna work?
Rory: I think it would be hard, but...
Logan: I don't want to do that, Rory. I don't want to go backwards. If we can't take the next step...
Rory: What?
Logan: I mean...
Rory: Does it have to be all or nothing?
Logan: Yeah, it does.
Rory: But we could at least try.
Logan: [shakes head] What's the point?
Rory: So...
Logan: So? [Rory hands back the ring] Goodbye, Rory.

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