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Quote from Lorelai in Santa's Secret Stuff

Lorelai: I melted three entire candy canes into this not-very-large cup of coffee, and still I can barely taste it.
Rory: I know.
Lorelai: It's just the vaguest whisper of peppermint.
Rory: Peppermint.
Lorelai: I swear, I could get the same effect if I put Vaporub on my chest and drank coffee at the same time.
Rory: Peppermint.
Lorelai: I mean, how arbitrary is it to decide to stop serving candy-cane coffee the day after Christmas? Christmas spirit is not something that can be turned off like a faucet on December 26th.
Rory: Yeah, it stinks.
Lorelai: On the plus side, any chest congestion I had is now totally cleared up.

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