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Quote from Lorelai in Lorelai's First Cotillion

Sookie: Wow. Somebody's all fancy-pants. I've never seen your hair up like that.
Lorelai: I'm just trying out a new look, seeing if I like it, serving no master but myself.
Sookie: Are you gonna try pigtails, too? Because that's kind of my thing.
Lorelai: It's freeing, really. I never realized how my mother influenced my every decision, even decisions that don't seem like decisions, like tying my shoes. I mean, I've always been a fan of the bunny ears, you know? And this morning I decided not to bunny-ear, and you know what happened?
Sookie: No.
Lorelai: Turns out bunny ears take a lot longer than the regular way. I saved like three seconds this morning.

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