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Quote from Lorelai in I'm OK, You're OK

Luke: You were screaming?
Lorelai: Yes, like Janet Leigh in Psycho.
Luke: I was on the phone. Why were you screaming?
Lorelai: There was a spider in the shower. I trapped him under a soap dish. I need you to go in and get him and take him outside.
Luke: Right.
Lorelai: Scoop him up gently. You do not want to break one of his little legs. Spiders are all about their legs. [sighs] I was shampooing, everything was fine, I looked up and there he was.
Luke: Holy mackerel.
Lorelai: Yeah, he's a big boy. Don't hurt him.
Luke: I won't.
Lorelai: I was talking to the spider.

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