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Quote from Sookie in A Vineyard Valentine

Sookie: I'm experimenting for the prefix menu for Valentine's day next week, trying to come up with something new, but there's nothing new under the sun. I mean, who else would think to serve oysters on Valentine's Day? Hmm, I don't know, maybe 12,000 other establishments within spitting distance!
Lorelai: Well, lovers love oysters. I don't. I love burritos. But people don't want burritos on Valentine's Day.
Sookie: But how do we know unless we give them the option, huh? That's it, I'll serve burritos.
Lorelai: Sookie, no.
Sookie: But no one else will have burritos.
Lorelai: Sookie, you can't serve Valentine's day burritos. That's flirting with disaster. We could be talking the octopus-ice-cream disaster of '98.
Sookie: Oh, God, you're right. I'll figure it out. I'm just hitting an oyster wall here.

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