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Quote from Michel in You've Been Gilmored

Lorelai: So this is a hat thing?
Michel: I just don't like Luke's system. He misses many things that needs to be fixed. Many things.
Lorelai: Well, so jot them down.
Michel: That's not how we make the list.
Lorelai: So type them up.
Michel: No! We make the list at Weston's over coffee. That's what we do when we make the list. We go once a month to Weston's together, and we sit, and we decide on the work for the handyman. That's our thing. We get very large coffees, and we split a slice of red-velvet cake, and we gossip, and I eat the whole cake, and you never tell anyone.
Lorelai: Oh, Michel, I liked our trips to Weston's.
Michel: Oh, yes, that is what I do when I like something. I cut it out of my life completely.
Lorelai: I didn't cut coffee with you out of my life.
Michel: Oh, then you just forgot? How special those times must have been for you.
Lorelai: It's just been crazy around here, and, well, it was nice to save a little money with Luke.
Michel: Money isn't everything, you know. People come to work for more than just the money. Although my direct deposit was late again. Maybe that's something you can finally get around to looking into.

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