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Quote from Lorelai in Just Like Gwen and Gavin

Logan: Look, I know I'm not your favorite person in the world.
Lorelai: No, you're definitely low on the list, right above the guy who thought up smallpox blankets.
Logan: Well, in my defense, I think I'm a notch higher than that.
Lorelai: You're not exactly in a position to comment on that, are you?
Logan: No.
Lorelai: No. In fact, let's take inventory of all the delightful things that have happened since you waltzed into my daughter's life. She was arrested, convicted. She's on probation. She'll have a criminal record unless we can get it expunged. She dropped out of school, moved out of my house. She didn't speak to me for 5 months, 3 weeks, and 16 days. No, wait a minute. Come to think of it, you are my favorite person.

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