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Quote from Emily in Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number

Emily: Richard, I don't understand what's happening. Everything's been fine except the sex issue.
Richard: Everything hasn't been fine. The minute we went against Lorelai, we lost.
Emily: You're acting like this is my fault. Going against Lorelai was your idea. I was perfectly ready to go ahead with the plan the three of us devised.
Richard: Running around with Logan, joining the DAR, planning parties.
Emily: What's wrong with joining the DAR? We both agreed she needed a job.
Richard: Fund-raisers and tea parties? It's frivolous and meaningless. She has more to do, more to be. I don't want that life for her.
Emily: You mean my life. You don't want her to be me.
Richard: Emily, no, that's not what I meant.
Emily: We're cutting the cake now. Can't wait anymore. [exits]

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