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Quote from Luke in Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number

Lorelai: Unbelievable. He's unbelievable.
Luke: He sure is. How did he lift this thing?
Lorelai: Pretending like it's an accident that Rory's still floundering. Nothing's an accident. He caused this. He made this happen.
Luke: It must weigh a thousand pounds.
Lorelai: That was a low blow, bringing up Rory's birthday like that. "She's turning 21, Lorelai. Did you know that?" [chuckles] Of course I know that. I was there when she was turning nothing. I know she's turning 21.
Luke: Does this thing have, like, a real foundation or something?
Lorelai: It's just like my parents, you know, to double-cross me then get mad when I won't help them undo the double cross.
Luke: Did he have guys with him?
Lorelai: What?
Luke: Guys to help him lift this thing.
Lorelai: No, no guys.
Luke: No guys? Your dad is Hercules.

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