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Quote from Joey in The One with the Proposal (Part 1)

Mr. Bowmont: I was actually relieved I didn't win the boat. My wife would've killed me.
Joey: Are you kidding me? She's going to love this boat.
Rachel: Yeah. What is your wife's name?
Mr. Bowmont: It's Pam.
Rachel: It's Pam. Oh, okay. Just imagine this. The Pam.
Mr. Bowmont: I don't think she'd like that.
Rachel: Okay, imagine this: The Mr. Bowmont.
Mr. Bowmont: I don't think so, dear.
Rachel: Okay, look. Let me paint you a little picture. All right. You are setting sail up the Hudson.
You've got the wind in your ... arms. You get all that peace and quiet that you've always wanted. You get back to nature. You can go fishing. You get one of those little hats and have people call you captain. And then when you're old, Cappy.
Mr. Bowmont: What the hell. It's for a good cause. All right.
Joey: No way. It's mine.
Rachel: What? What?
Joey: All that stuff you just said, I want that.
Rachel: But, Joey, you don't have $20,000.
Joey: Who cares? I'll make payments. Whatever it takes. I want the Mr. Bowmont!

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