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Quote from Chandler in The One with Two Parts: Part 1

Mr. Douglas: She's still here.
Chandler: Yes. Yes, she is. Didn't I memo you? After I let her go, I got a call from her psychiatrist, Dr. Flanen- Dr. Flanan-, Dr. Flan. And he informed me that she took the news rather badly. In fact, he mentioned the word "frenzy".
Mr. Douglas: You're kidding, she seems so-
Chandler: Oh, no, no. Nina? She is [makes crazy noises]. In fact, if you asked her right now she would have no recollection of being fired at all. None at all.
Mr. Douglas: That's unbelievable.
Chandler: And yet believable. So I decided not to fire her again until I'm sure she will be of no threat to herself or others.
Mr. Douglas: I see. I guess you never really know what's going on inside a person's head.
Chandler: Well, I guess that's why they call it psychology, sir.

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