Lilith Quote #66

Quote from Lilith in Lilith Needs a Favor

Frasier: Lilith, I'm afraid you're idealizing parenthood. Do you remember colic, teething, changing mountains of diapers?
Lilith: Do you remember that time in the bath when he tried to eat the bubbles? We told him to stop, but we kept laughing so he thought it was funny and kept doing it.
Frasier: You know, I'd forgotten that. Oh, I wish we had that on video.
Lilith: You can, Frasier. We can have those days back again. Please, I just need is a couple of teaspoons.


 ‘Lilith Needs a Favor’ Quotes

Quote from Martin

Martin: Can you imagine? Lilith's and my kid would be brother to you and Niles and Freddie.
Frasier: What are you talking about?
Martin: And if you and Lilith got back together, you'd be his step-father and his brother and Niles would be your son and his own uncle. It's almost worth doing just so that I can tell the story.

Quote from Frasier

Lilith: Frasier, don't misunderstand, I'm not proposing any change in our relationship.
Frasier: Would we... sleep together?
Lilith: I thought we'd freeze your sperm.
Frasier: Is that a "yes" or a "no"?

Quote from Lilith

Lilith: I want to have another baby.
Frasier: Well, you certainly don't need me for that. Surely... someone in Boston must have sperm.
Lilith: I came to you first so that Frederick could have a full sibling.
Frasier: So, just like that we're going to have another baby together.
Lilith: No, no, no. Not just like that. I mapped out our dominant and recessive traits on a genome square, applied Mendel's laws, allowed for anomalies and concluded that you are the best biological choice.
Frasier: I see. Well, as enticed as I am by your honeyed words, I'm gonna need some kissin'.