Kenny Quote #5

Quote from Kenny in Sweet Dreams

Frasier: Well, we have got to get Kenny's job back.
Roz: Well, how are we supposed to do that?
Frasier: Well, we'll just round up all the talent, go down to Mr. Martin and demand that he re-hire Kenny.
Roz: Mr. Martin owns the station. We can't give him an ultimatum.
Frasier: It's not an ultimatum, Roz, we'll simply appeal to the man's sense of decency. You know, Kenny went to bat for me, we owe him at least that.
Roz: You know, Kenny hasn't asked for our help, for all we know he'll be fine.
Kenny: [enters] How do you like that? She's having twins. Heck of a time to loose my insurance, huh? Well, you guys take care.


 ‘Sweet Dreams’ Quotes

Quote from Daphne

Daphne: Thank you, Dr. Crane. Shame on you, Dr. Crane. Why can't you be more like Dr. Crane?

Quote from Frasier

Niles: Frasier, don't be angry with me but I do have one theory.
Frasier: Yes, Niles, I was wondering when you'd get around to that. So, just allow me. I was so ashamed of my chickening out at the rally that I grabbed at the first fight that came my way. Of course, it turned out to be the wrong fight and I needlessly lost my job. So, if you follow that theory through to the end, this heady feeling of euphoria I'm experiencing right now is frankly nothing more than a deep-seated denial.
Niles: So, have you considered it?
Frasier: Not for a second!

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: What has happened to me, Niles? I used to be so courageous. To fight for things. When did I become
so middle-aged? So timid?
Niles: Don't be so hard on yourself, it's part of life. We all get a bit more cautious as we get older.
Frasier: Not me. God, it was only five years ago I packed up my whole life in Boston, moved across the country to start over. That took real courage. Now, ha-ha, the biggest risk I take is saying to Dad, "Hey, let's go out to dinner, you pick the restaurant".