Frasier Quote #1161

Quote from Frasier in Death and the Dog

Frasier: And so Alice, even the happiest of us can find reasons to be unhappy if only we look for them. So don't look for them. Take a tip from our dog friends, treat yourself to your favorite toy, whatever that might be.
Alice: "I'll do that right now. Thank you, Dr. Crane, I really do feel better."
Frasier: This is Dr. Frasier Crane, reminding everyone that life is too short to dwell on every bump in the road. Try to take pleasure in the simple things. In short, eat a cookie!
[Frasier takes a bite of a cookie from a plate on his console]
Frasier: Ow! Ow! Oh, walnut, I broke a tooth! Oh, now I've got to go to the dentist. He'll tell me I haven't flossed. My lips are going to get all fat. My life sucks!


 ‘Death and the Dog’ Quotes

Quote from Niles

Frasier: Well, you know, we can talk about it, we can think about it, but nobody really knows how or when.
Roz: One second we're alive as anyone else, and then... what?
Frasier: Darkness. Nothingness. Afterlife?
Niles: I've always liked the notion of meeting the great figures of history. But then I think, what if it's like high school and all the really cool dead people don't want to hang out with me. Mozart'll tell me he's busy but then later I'll see him out with Shakespeare and Lincoln.

Quote from Daphne

Daphne: If Eddie were one of the Beatles, I think he'd be George. I don't know why. [Daphne heads to the kitchen]
Frasier: And yet she's never been committed. [in a mock British accent] I don't know why.

Quote from Niles

Frasier: I don't suppose whether my father told you, but my brother and I happen to be psychiatrists.
Dr. Shaw: Oh, how nice. I always enjoy being in the company of colleagues.
Niles: I'm sorry. Did you say "colleagues" or "Collies?"