Kenny Quote #89

Quote from Kenny in Goodnight, Seattle

Kenny: Where the hell is he?
Roz: I don't know. I called his cell, I called his house... You're going to have to go on for him.
Kenny: Me?
Roz: Yeah, you. Well, I'm not. Last time I did it, it was a total disaster!
Roz: Aren't you always saying you used to be a DJ?
Kenny: Oh, twenty years ago. I can't do that anymore!
Roz: Well, it better come back to you. You've got five seconds.
Kenny: I can't. I'm a nervous wreck. My palms are sweaty, my mouth is like cotton... [suddenly smooth talking] Hey, Emerald City, Kenny Daly here! Master of the Mike, Baron of the Booth, the Man of the Hour, too sweet to be sour! The doctor's out today, but Kenny's here, filling the seat, takin' the heat! I might even throw in a call or two to Grandma Gert. [old lady voice:] But no kids, I hate kids! Whoo-hoo, she's in a mood today!


 ‘Goodnight, Seattle’ Quotes

Quote from Frasier

Man: Here to pick up a chair.
Frasier: Right. It's right there.
Man: Sorry I'm late.
Frasier: It's all right.
Man: Been waiting long?
Frasier: Eleven years. Uh, be careful with it.

Quote from Bebe

Frasier: Well, it's very tempting, Bebe, but I'm very happy here in Seattle. I don't want to leave.
Bebe: Darling, it's San Francisco. Do you know what life is like there for a good-looking straight man? You'll be like a Snickers bar at a fat camp!

Quote from Bebe

Bebe: Anyway, they want you to replace him and the money's huge.
Frasier: Poor Mark. What a ghastly way to die.
Bebe: Yes, I cried so hard it was all I could do to stuff your demo tape in the Fed-Ex pouch. But they want you!