Frasier Quote #1948

Quote from Frasier in When a Man Loves Two Women

Frasier: [v.o] What is she thinking with that ridiculous shirt? Tie-dye? Stop it, Frasier. You can't do this to yourself. This is nothing more than the natural panic of finally making your choice.
Faye: And it turned out that the printer had messed up, and the menu said "flab" instead of "flan!"
Frasier: [laughs] That is so precious. [v.o] And so is she. Precious. My Faye. Faye as in Faye-vourite. This feels so much better now that I've relaxed. I was about to doom this whole relationship with my neurotic nitpicking. But it's clear sailing now.
Faye: Well, enough about me. How was your day?
Frasier: Well, it certainly ended well. Although something funny did happen at the station, it was during the second hour of my show...
Faye: [v.o] My God, he really does love to talk about himself. Is that another new pair of shoes? He's got more shoes than I do.


 ‘When a Man Loves Two Women’ Quotes

Quote from Niles

Frasier: Well, you know, Cassandra is a wonderful woman. But, well, Faye and I have a, a deeper connection - and to be fair, actually, she was the first to plant her flag on "Terra Frasier."
Niles: I'm starting to think Napoleon had a Frasier complex.

Quote from Frasier

Cassandra: You are upset, aren't you?
Frasier: No, no, no, no.
Cassandra: Really, there's no reason to be jealous of Sloan!
Frasier: [chuckling] Believe me, I am not jealous of Sloan. If anything, I pity the man who has to go through life with a pretentious name like that.
Cassandra: Frasier.
Frasier: All right, fine, fine.

Quote from Niles

Frasier: Glad you're here. Look, I'm so sorry about this morning.
Niles: Oh, oh, oh, not at all, I ended up playing an exhilarating game with Chip Emery.
Frasier: Oh.
Niles: I won two out of three sets, and if you recall, Chip was club champion four years running.
Frasier: Yes. And I also recall that that record comes with an asterisk. I believe his streak was interrupted by World War Two.
Niles: It was Korea and you know it.