Frasier Quote #1380

Quote from Frasier in The 1000th Show

Driver: I've had a bit of a rough day myself.
Frasier: Oh?
Driver: Yeah, my ex-wife is getting remarried in Pennsylvania. Are you going to that rally over there?
Frasier: Oh, as a matter of fact, I am.
Driver: I told her I'd come to the wedding, but I've been getting cold feet. Better make up my mind soon, though, the plane leaves in a few hours. They don't give you any bargains on those last minute
tickets, either.
Frasier: Maybe this isn't the best time to tell you this, but I'll have to owe you for this ride.
Driver: Don't worry about it. We probably never should have gotten married in the first place. We were dumb. Had a few good years, though.
Frasier: Oh, that's something at least.
Driver: At least the kids are going to be there tomorrow.
Frasier: Kids?
Driver: Son and a daughter. I don't see them much. They went with their mom after we divorced. Of course, I think I'm more excited about seeing them than they are about seeing me.
Frasier: Why would you say that?
Driver: Just a feeling. I didn't make much of my life back when Marie and I were together. I turned it around, though. I own this car.
Frasier: Well, it's a nice one.
Driver: You know what the hardest part is? If I do go, I have to see my in-laws. They never were too crazy about me. This new guy Marie's marrying, he's supposed to be some kinda big success. I don't know what I'd say to any of them. Part of me thinks I'd just be best leaving the whole thing alone.
Frasier: And part of you doesn't?
Driver: I'd like to see my kids. Especially now they're getting a new dad. Hell of a choice, eh?
Frasier: Well, you know, sometimes difficult choices like these can be good things. They can teach us about who we are.
[The car pulls up outside the Frasier Crane Day rally at the Space Needle]
Driver: Well, I've bent your ear enough about this. Besides, we're here.
Frasier: Oh, don't worry about me, I've got plenty of time. Tell me more about your kids.
Driver: I'm John, by the way. [shaking hands]
Frasier: I'm Frasier.


 ‘The 1000th Show’ Quotes

Quote from Niles

Niles: Sorry I'm late, I stopped halfway to listen to a jolly band of Frasier Crane Day carolers. I tried to join in on "The Twelve Days Of Frasier" but forgot the words around day eleven. How does it go again?
Frasier: I believe it's "seven snobs a-sniping." Well, you just snipe away. I take your jealousy as the compliment that it is.

Quote from Niles

Niles: Happy Frasier Crane Day. Or is it Merry Frasier Crane Day, I can never remember.
Frasier: Very amusing.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Don't take it to heart, Niles. This person just happened to remember me best, the next person might just as easily...
Woman: Oh, my God, you're Frasier Crane. Could I bother you for an autograph?
Frasier: No, you can't. It's never a bother. [laughs]
Woman: I love your show.
Frasier: Oh, thank you.
Woman: I just think you're, like, the smartest guy on the face of the earth.
Frasier: Well, one does hear tales of a certain wise man in Tibet, but why split hairs?