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Quote from Frasier in Wheels of Fortune

Daphne: Hello, Crane residence. Thank you. That was the doorman. Mr. Sternin's on his way up.
Frasier: So much for living in a security building.
Daphne: Come on now, Dr. Crane, maybe he wants to make amends.
Frasier: Daphne, let me acquaint you with the curriculum vitae of Mr. Blaine Sternin, or "Brad Cunningham" as he's known in Maine, "Royce Thibideaux" in Louisiana, and "Santana De La Cruz," the pride of Albuquerque, New Mexico. This is a man who once made a living selling rare autographs, until it was discovered that Madame Curie and Sugar Ray Robinson had the same handwriting. And would you care to see the deed to my 50,000-acre kelp farm?

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