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Quote from Roz in Fool Me Once, Shame on You. Fool Me Twice...

Frasier: Is that your briefcase?
Priest: Yes, it is.
Frasier: Where did you get it?
Priest: Some of the nuns in my parish bought it for me as a gift.
Frasier: Ah, your parish? Then that would make you a priest?
Priest: Yes.
Frasier: Well, then, Father, perhaps you'd like to explain why you'd be carrying around... a Bible and some rosary beads?!
Priest: What exactly are you looking for?
Frasier: An Angie Dickinson movie. I loaned it to the Monsignor. He was supposed to give it to you to give to me. Apparently, he forgot. Well, it's a two-day rental anyway, doesn't matter. Off you go. Thank you.

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