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Quote from Daphne in Murder Most Maris

Daphne: Have you lost your bloody mind? I have tried to be patient, but this is too much. You promised me that woman would be out of our lives. Now she's calling every minute, the papers reporting as though you two are still married, and I can't even sleep in my own bed!
Niles: I know, darling, b-but you can't blame me for everything that's happened.
Daphne: The hell I can't! If you hadn't have snuck off to have lunch with her, we never would have been dragged into this, and you wouldn't be sleeping alone on the couch tonight! But you did, and we were, so you are! [passing Frasier] I hate that kind of cracker! [storms off]
Martin: Boy, that was kind of harsh.
Frasier: I'll say, these are imported from Belgium.

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