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Quote from Frasier in A Man, a Plan and a Gal: Julia

Julia: Nice towels, Frasier. You'd think a couple of old ladies lived here.
Frasier: Get out.
Julia: Excuse me?
Frasier: I said get out!
Julia: I'm sorry. Have you just lost your mind?
Frasier: No, that happened earlier when we slept together!
Julia: Are you breaking up with me?
Frasier: You're damn right I am!
Julia: I want my purse.
Frasier: And I, my hand towel!
Julia: I can't believe this. You're actually kicking me out?
Frasier: Do you want me to draw you a picture?
Julia: We'd be here all night!
Frasier: Get out!

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