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Quote from Frasier in Lilith Needs a Favor

Frasier: What?!
Lilith: I just remembered a special method which supposedly increases the likelihood of having a boy.
Frasier: I see. Is there something I can do to increase the likelihood that we won't have a meddling control freak?
Lilith: No, but perhaps you can use a method that will give us a baby that can take other people's advice.
Frasier: I would settle for a method where it won't turn out to be a sarcastic prig!
Lilith: Oh, just do it!
Frasier: Fine!
Lilith: No, wait, I don't want you to do it when you're mad. Why don't we just take a minute to sit down and breathe?
Frasier: It's your dime.

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