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Quote from Gertrude in Tales from the Crypt

Daphne: What's this?
Frasier: I'm devising the ultimate prank to get my revenge on Bulldog.
Niles: Ah, well just beware the dangers of juvenile one-upsmanship. Only last night, Mrs. Moon challenged a trick-or-treater, and he responded by pelting our door with eggs.
Gertrude: Yeah, but I got the little monster back, by putting a big, greasy glob of Vaseline on his doorknob!
Niles: You said you'd put an end to it.
Gertrude: Hence the Vaseline.
Daphne: Mum, he's a child.
Gertrude: Well, it's time he learned you don't mess with Gertrude Moon without incurring my wrath. Now, excuse me, I require cocoa.

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