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Quote from Daphne in Wheels of Fortune

Blaine: You want to know something, Frasier, you're almost right. You're almost right. It's true. I do want something from you. But what I want is for you to get down on your knees and pray with me. I know these words sound strange, but I've had a deeply religious conversion.
Daphne: Really?
Frasier: Oh, this just gets better and better.
Blaine: I guess it started with my car accident. I was driving drunk, which I had done one too many times. Oh, you know, it was a sign.
Daphne: From God?
Blaine: No, from the highway department. It said, "Lane Ends," and I just plowed right into it. The next thing I saw was a bright light and a tunnel.
Daphne: So you had a near-death experience?
Blaine: No, it was a CAT scan. You know, when Dr. Kagan told me I was paralyzed, well, I was devastated. There I was, at the lowest point a man can be... and He came to me.
Daphne: Dr. Kagan?
Blaine: No. Wwrong again, hon. It was God.
Daphne: Oh, damn.
Niles: Hang in there, sweetheart, you'll get one.

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