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Quote from Kenny in Junior Agent

Kenny: What is it, Doc? Is this about promos?
Frasier: No. Would you believe this guy? No, Kenny. Listen, I've been thinking. You know, I think it's high time that you and I got together outside of the workplace. So, there's a little club downtown that I go to. How would you like to join me tomorrow for a little... uh, a little massage, and a little steam, huh? What do you say?
Kenny: Are you kidding? I'm front and center with a fistful of singles.
Frasier: Kenny. It-it's not that kind of club.
Kenny: Oh... fives?
Roz: What is wrong with you?
Frasier: It's an athletic club, with squash courts and a swimming pool.
Kenny: Oh, right! [whispers] Gotcha.

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