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Quote from Frasier in Semi-Decent Proposal

Lana: Threw a gutter ball, huh?
Frasier: Thanks to you, you introduced them.
Lana: Well, you played it all wrong. You were hanging on her all night.
Frasier: So was he, but he left with her.
Lana: It won't last. She's probably sick of him already.
Frasier: Lot of good that does me. I blew it.
Lana: Not necessarily. I mean, I think you guys could make a great couple. In fact, I might be able to help you out there.
Frasier: Really? Would you?
Lana: Well, I could, but you know I get asked that all the time, and if I did it for you, then I'd have to do it for everybody, and I just don't know if I want to open those floodgates. You know what I mean?
Frasier: I think I do.

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