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Quote from Roz in Daphne Returns

Roz: I gotta call my mother. She is gonna get such a kick out of this. [on the phone] Mom? Hey. Remember that story you used to tell me when I was a kid? You know, it was about the little girl and her grandfather? Yes, well, I just got it published. What? Well, you never told me that. Okay fine, just forget I called. [hanging up] Well, you can put that away.
Martin: What happened?
Roz: Apparently I just sold my publisher... "Heidi"? I better get over there and let him know before he... [answering the phone] Hello? Oh, hello, Scott. I know, I just heard. Weird, huh?
Martin: Hey, tell him about Eddie.
Roz: Ssh. [on the phone] I'm so sorry. It was a movie, too?

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