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Quote from Frasier in Cranes Unplugged

Roz: So what are you guys gonna do?
Frasier: Oh, lots of things. I thought we'd go and see a play, and, uh, maybe take in the computer show. He'd love that. And, uh, oh, I've decided we are going to read Walden together.
Roz: Some vacation.
Frasier: No, no, Roz, it is, actually. You see, every year we pick a book to read and discuss. It's been sort of a bonding thing between us. Gosh, you know, I hate to brag, but Freddie really is a very articulate young man. He's very imaginative, and not to mention what a great sense of humor he has.
Roz: Oh, that reminds me, Frasier. Alice said the cutest thing this morning-
Frasier: Now careful, Roz, you don't want to turn into one of those mothers who bores everybody talking about her child.

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