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Quote from Frasier in Frasier's Edge

Frasier: I can suggest certain visualization techniques...
Dr. Tewksbury: He knows them already.
Frasier: Look, if he knows all this, then why is he calling?
Dr. Tewksbury: He told you. Because he's empty. Keep going.
Frasier: Sometimes it helps to write yourself a letter...
Dr. Tewksbury: He's already got himself on the phone.
Frasier: But I don't know what he wants!
Dr. Tewksbury: Then why do you keep trying to bury him in psychiatric exercises?
Frasier: Because that's all I have!
[Frasier and Dr. Tewksbury share a knowing look]
Frasier: I'm sorry, caller, I can't help you.

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