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Quote from Martin in Whine Club

Frasier: You know, I have half a mind to say something to Niles. He is making a terrible mistake with that woman.
Martin: Frasier.
Frasier: But Dad, it is Maris all over again. She's dominating him, emasculating him.
Martin: Look, I don't like her anymore than you do and God knows we've been through this before. I didn't like Lilith, we both didn't like Maris and you boys sure as hell didn't like Sherry, but what good did it do talking about it?
Frasier: He's repeating a terrible pattern.
Martin: Well he's going to repeat it whether you like it or not. And if you say anything, you're just going to drive a wedge between you. So, nobody's going to say a word.

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