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Quote from Martin in Father of the Bride

Daphne: Have they told you yet?
Donny: Told me what?
Daphne: You're not going to believe this, but Dr. Crane and his father have offered to pay for our entire wedding.
Donny: Is this a joke?
Frasier: It could be.
Donny: Just a minute, honey. I mean, it's one thing for us to let your family pay. I mean, they're
your parents, it's traditional. But this is...
Frasier: Going too far? Being presumptuous?
Martin: Yeah, we don't want to step on any toes.
Daphne: I didn't think you'd be uncomfortable with this.
Frasier: But he clearly is, Daphne.
Martin: Donny's right! We're not family.

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