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Quote from Roz in Shutout in Seattle

Frasier: You know, it's funny how loneliness can make people behave in strange ways.
Roz: What do you mean?
Frasier: Oh, you know, do things that are sort of rash, and act out of character.
Roz: Oh God, I knew someone would find out about it. Who told you? Did he tell you? I'll kill him.
Frasier: Roz.
Roz: Oh, please, Frasier, don't tell anybody else. Oh, I beg you. It was one night, one lonely, stupid night.
Frasier: What are you talking about?
Roz: You don't know?
Frasier: No. What happened?
Roz: Nothing, I'll see you tomorrow.

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