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Quote from Frasier in IQ

Niles: Frasier, do you ever wonder why we do all this competition. Where did it even start?
Frasier: That's a good question, Niles. Well, think back. What was the first thing you can remember us competing over?
Niles: It'd have to be Mom. We were always jockeying for her time and attention.
Frasier: Well, it was a lot more difficult for me, actually, you being her favorite.
Niles: What? You were her favorite.
Frasier: Oh, don't be ridiculous, Niles. She adored you. Don't you remember the time you lost your tricycle? She actually took mine away from me and gave it to you.
Niles: That was for your own good. No eight year old should be riding a tricycle.
Frasier: I had a chronic ear infection that affected my balance.

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