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Quote from Roz in Roz and the Schnoz

Daphne: Oh, Roz, you're not still looking at that picture, are you?
Roz: Nope, this is a different one.
Daphne: Oh dear. Look at the way the ears on this poor little girl stick out.
Roz: It's me. Aged nine, the year before I got them fixed.
Daphne: Well, sorry, Roz, I didn't recognize you with those glasses. Why is one side blacked out?
Roz: I had a lazy eye. I got that fixed the next year. Let's just say for birthdays I wasn't asking for ponies.
Daphne: You poor thing.
Roz: I'm just sitting here thinking, what if my kid gets Rick's nose, and my ears and eyes? Throw in my grandfather's third nipple, I might as well pitch a tent and charge admission.

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