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Quote from Daphne in Bad Dog

Frasier: It's just that I believe that conscience, more than customs and laws, is what prevents people from doing wrong. To contemplate the idea of an otherwise sane man with no conscience... Well, it just shakes my entire world view.
Daphne: Well, in our family, we certainly knew the meaning of conscience. That's what me dad called
his wooden paddle.
Niles: Oh, how awful for you.
Daphne: Oh, for my brothers, yes. But I knew he'd never use it on me, as long as I was always good. As long as I was always polite. [getting angrier:] As long as I always had a smile on my face no matter how I felt inside! As long as I was always ready to wait on all the men, hand and foot, day and night, year in, year out! ... [cheerily] More coffee, anyone?

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