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Quote from Lilith in Room Service

Lilith: I can understand your shock, and believe me, if I could erase everything that happened last night, I would. But, if you could just look at this rationally, just for a moment. We didn't technically do anything wrong.
Frasier: What? You didn't do anything wrong?
Niles: I'm a little unclear on that myself, but I'm willing to go along with it.
Lilith: You and I are no longer married. Neither is Niles. I won't say this is my shining hour, but we are not responsible to you or anyone else for our actions.
Frasier: You're actually defending what you did?
Lilith: Just listen. The past few days have been the worst of my life. I have never been less self-assured, more in need of validation, both as a person and especially as a woman. Niles was feeling the same thing.
Niles: Exactly. Wait a minute...

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