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Quote from Gil in The Two Mrs. Cranes

Gil: Brilliant show, Frasier. Chock full of pithy insight.
Frasier: What do you want?
Gil: A favor. Bonnie Weems, the Auto Lady, just asked me to another one of her wretched dinner parties. Well, I was planning on saying that you and I have ballet tickets, so do back me up.
Frasier: Well, I'm sorry, I can't.
Gil: But you've got to. Have you any idea how vile her food is? The local raccoons have posted warning signs on her trash bin.
Frasier: Yes, you see, she already invited me, and I told her I was driving my father to his army reunion at Rattlesnake Ridge.
Gil: Oh, very clever. Well, I'd use it myself, only I killed my father off to escape her Labor Day clambake.

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