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Quote from Frasier in High Crane Drifter

Martin: Fras, why do you keep backing away from this? I mean, you should be proud of yourself. We all think you did the right thing. The newspaper does too.
Daphne: That's right. And I'm going to fix you a proper hero's breakfast.
Frasier: No, no, no, Daphne. Please, really. It's not necessary. Thank you all. It's just that this isn't sitting well with
me. I find it hard to believe any good can come of violence.
[The loud rock music starts up again]
Frasier: That's it again! [on the phone] Mr. Chainsaw! This is Dr. Frasier Crane.
[The music abruptly stops.]
Frasier: Go ahead, Daphne. Make my eggs.

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