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Quote from Martin in Sleeping with the Enemy

Martin: Hey, I'm with you people. To heck with the workers. Hey, you got yours.
Bulldog: Hey, damn right!
Martin: And chances are, after the station manager crushes the little people, she won't come after you big shots.
Bulldog: Right. Why would she?
Martin: Well, I mean supposing she's trying to save money, you're the big ticket items. After all this, well, she won't have to worry about the support staff backing you guys up, will she? Oh, but no, that's crazy.
Gil: You're not suggesting that Kate might be coming after our money next?
Martin: No, she wouldn't do that! She's a peach, right? Soft as a cream puff.
Frasier: And we all know no-one here is overpaid...

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