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Quote from Daphne in An Affair to Forget

Frasier: Yes, well, in the midst of that slag heap of sarcasm, I suppose there may be a kernel of truth. I guess I could just be letting my imagination run away with me.
Martin: Ah, just trust me, forget it. Come on, help me put this model together.
Frasier: God, you know, I remember how Niles used to love these models. Oh God, remember that Christmas Mom got him the "Visible Man and Woman?" He had to glue all of the internal organs in the right place.
Martin: All I remember is you two fighting over it.
Frasier: Yes, well, Niles was getting on my nerves, so I had to go in and steal his ovaries.
Daphne: Now there's a conversation I'm glad I missed the beginning of.

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